Embrace Your Life Free From Pain and Limitations
Embrace Your Life Free From Pain and Limitations
Too often people believe that their only choice is to live with chronic muscle or joint pain and limitations, seek short-term pain relief, use harsh medications or undergo surgical procedures.
There is another way! We offer customized exercise plans using Posture Alignment Therapy. This groundbreaking exercise approach is based on how our bodies are intended to function and the ways contemporary life can bend us out of shape. We work together with you to resolve problems at their source, rather than just treating symptoms.
Call now for a free initial phone consultation! Learn how posture alignment therapy can help you get pain relief, meet your fitness goals, and embrace an active life. If you are in pain and seeking solutions, give me a call.
(707) 480-6678
At Empowered Body Solutions Jeff uses his 23 years of experience to enable you to resolve your physical pain and limitations and return to an active life. Jeff has practiced orthopedic massage since 1998 and has been a Posture Alignment Specialist through certification with the Egoscue Institute since 2004. He has helped a wide range of people, age ten to over ninety, regain their abilities and live pain free.
Discover how Posture Alignment Therapy can help you.
Empowered Body Solutions